3. Adding Students and Primary Contacts

3. Adding Students and Primary Contacts


Before you can schedule your students, you need to add them into your Students List. This tutorial will show you where to do so and go through the form with you.

What You Need

  1. Your students information such as their name, cell phone number and address.
  2. Who the primary contact will be.
The primary contact is the person who will be paying for the lessons. This can be the student themselves or someone else such as a parent.

Adding Students and Their Primary Contacts

  1. At your main menu click on Students > Students List

    This will transport you into your Student List tab.

  2. Click on the + Add Student button.

    This will transport you into the Add Student form.

Student Section
This section is where you enter in your students information. Such as their name, birthday, and any notes.

  1. First Name and Last Name. Type in your students first name and last name. These are the only required fields in this section.

  2. Birthday. You can keep track of your students birthday. When you add their birthday, it will show up in your calendar.

    To add your students birthday, click in the Birthday field > browse the calendar > choose a date. 

    How your student's birthday looks in your calendar.

  3. Student Cell Phone and Student Email. If you are adding an adult student, type in their cell phone number and email address. More than likely you won't have nor want to type in a child student's cell phone or email.

    Make sure to check the "Agrees to receive texts" and "Agrees to receive email " boxes.

  4. School. You have the option to add in the name of the school that your student is attending.

  5. Time Zone. Verify that the student's time zone is correct. Duet will auto detect your time zone. If that is not the student's time zone, then you can change it.

    To change the time zone, click on the down arrow > browse the list > choose a time zone .

  6. Notes. Last but not least for this section is the Notes field. You can put anything in here such as special needs the student may have. Only you will see these notes.

Lessons Section
This section is where you enter in lesson information. Such as where the lessons will be held, how long the lessons will be for this student, and which billing cycle the student will be on. 

  1. Status. The Status field lets you keep track of which students are currently taking from you and which ones are not. Here is what each status means:
    Active - These are students who are currently taking lessons from you.
    Former - These are students who are not currently taking lessons but have in the past.
    Prospective - These are potential students that you have reached out to, but have not scheduled or may not have gotten back with you yet. When a student is listed as prospective, you can setup consultation times with them.
    Waitlist - These are students that want to take lessons from you, but you don't have the time for them yet.

    The default is Active, but you can click on the down arrow and choose any of the 4 options.

  2. Date Started. This field allows you to keep track of when your students started taking lessons from you. To enter in a date click in the Date Started field > browse the calendar > choose a date.

  3. Skill LevelThis field is where you can type in how advanced your student is, in which ever fashion you wish to. The most common way is beginner, intermediate, advanced.

  4. Lesson Duration. By default, lesson duration is 30 minutes. Lesson duration is set per student. So, you can have one student with a lesson duration of 30 minutes and another student with a lesson duration of 45 minutes, for example.

    To change the lesson duration click in the Lesson Duration field > choose one of the options.

  5. Location. This field is where you choose where the lesson is taking place. It comes with three default options: My Home, Student's Home, Music Studio. The default is My Home.

    To change the location click in the Location field > choose a different option.

Primary Contact Section
The primary contact, in general, is the person who is paying for lessons. They can either be the student, whose information you just filled out. Or it can be a totally different person.

This part of the tutorial is broken up into two sections:
  1. Primary Contact is Same as Student: New Family
  2. Primary Contact is a Totally Different Person: Existing Family

Primary Contact is Same as Student: New Family
  1. At the top of the section click in the "Same as Student" box to check it. 

    Notice how Duet auto fills in the First Name, Last Name, Cell Phone, and Email fields.

  2. Family and Family Name
    The way Duet is designed is that each student needs to be part of a family.  A student can either be assigned an existing family or you can create a new one for the student to belong to. In this example, Sophia is an adult and a new family that the teacher is taking on.

    a.  Leave the Family drop down box as " -New Family- ".

    b. In the Family Name field, type in the family name you want associated with the student. In this case, I want the family name to be Miller.

    Tip: Because you may eventually have two or more families with the same last name, you can have the family name be a first name and last name. Such as Sophia Miller instead of just Miller.

  3. Address. Next, type in the family's address.

  4. Save. Click on the Save button, located at the top right corner of the page.

    Primary Contact is a Totally Different Person: Existing Family
    The primary contact is commonly a different person than the student. When this is the case, they can either be a new family or an existing family. In this example, we will show you what it looks like when you pair the student with an existing family. 

    Let's say that your student, Sophia Williams, is part of an existing family. The family name is John Williams. To pair a student to an existing family:

    a. Click in the Family drop down box > choose the family. In this case, John Williams is the existing family who is also the primary contact for the family.

    Notice that when you choose an existing family that all of the fields are auto populated. This is all you need to do.


    b. Click on the Save button, located at the top right corner of the page.

Where to Next

Next, is the last article in this tutorial series. This next article will show you how to manually enter a reoccurring lesson into your Duet calendar. 

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