Moving Your Student List From Legacy Duet to the New Duet

Moving Your Student List From Legacy Duet to the New Duet


Congrats on moving to the new version of Duet! One of the first things you will want to do is transfer your student list. There are two ways you can add students into your new Duet studio's Student List:
  1. Manually adding each student, one by one, by using the Add Student form.
  2. Uploading a spreadsheet that has all of the needed information, and Duet will add the students for you in bulk.

To successfully import a spreadsheet, you will need to download the spreadsheet template. The Duet software is setup to work with this template, so all you need to do is fill it in with your student's information.

This tutorial will walk you through getting a copy of your current student list, downloading the template, filling it in, and then uploading the spreadsheet into your Student List. 

What You Need

You will need to have a way to open up a .csv file, such as Excel or any number of other apps.

You will also need the following information about each student (the ones with an asterisk are required):
  1. * Student First Name
  2. * Student Last Name
  3. * Primary Contact First Name
  4. * Primary Contact Last Name
  5. * Primary Contact Email
  6. * Primary Contact Phone Number
  7. Student Email
  8. Student Phone Number
  9. Birthday
  10. Date Started (when the student started taking lessons from you)
  11. Skill Level
  12. Instrument
  13. School
  14. Student Address
  15. City
  16. State
  17. Zip
  18. Country
  19. Notes

Step 1 of 4: Download a Copy of Your Current Student List

Your current student list should have a lot of information about each of your students. You can download a copy of your currently student list to use as a guide for filling out the spreadsheet template.
  1. Log into your legacy account at

  2. Click on Reports in the main menu.

    This will take you into your Reports home page.

  3. Scroll down to the Student Reports section.

  4. Click on Student Contact List.

    This will take you into the Student Contact List Report page.

  5. Select which ever fields you want imported in the Fields and Status sections. In this example, I will select everything.

  6. Under Format, select Save as CSV/Excel.

  7. Go to the bottom of the page and click on the Run Report button.

    This will download the report as a .csv file, where ever your browser is set to download files at. In my case, my browser downloads files to my Windows desktop.

Step 2 of 4: Download the Spreadsheet Template

Next, you will want to download the spreadsheet template.
  1. Login to your new Duet studio at:

  2. At your main menu, click on Students > Student List.

    This will transport you to your Student List page.

  3. At the top right corner of the screen, click on the Import button.

  4. Click on Download Template.

    The file will download where your browser is set to do so. In my case, my browser downloads all files to my Windows desktop.

Step 3 of 4: Fill in the Spreadsheet Template

Next, you will want to fill in the spreadsheet template with each student's information.
  1. Open the spreadsheet template. The spreadsheet comes with titles. Do not change these titles.

  2. Start adding each student's information to the spreadsheet. Scroll to the right to see the rest of the columns.

  3. When you are done, save the spreadsheet.

Step 4 of 4: Upload the Spreadsheet

Last but not least, upload the spreadsheet. The import feature accepts both .csv and .xls files.
  1. In your Student List, at the upper right hand corner of the screen, click on the Import button.

  2. Click on Upload Spreadsheet.

  3. Find your spreadsheet >  choose your spreadsheet  > click on the Open button.

  4. Before importing, Duet will want to know if your studio families have agreed to receive texts and emails. In my case, I know that all of my families have so I will click on the Yes button. 

    Once you click on Yes, Duet will now begin importing your student list for you.

  5. When Duet is done importing, you will see this popup. Please read. When done, click on the X to close the popup.

  6. Refresh your webpage to see the new students that were added.

  7. If you do not see all of your students, you may need to look at your filters. Go to the top of your student list.

  8. To the left of the search box is a drop down box. This is a filter that shows which student status' will display in your student list. By default it is set to All.

  9. If this drop down is not set to All, you will need to change that. Let's say that it is only showing Active students.

  10. To change that, click in the drop down box. This will show what options you have.

  11. Check all of the options, and then click on the OK button.

  12. You will now see all of your students. And the filter will display as All.

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