Categories 101: Add, Edit, Delete, Default Setting

Categories 101: Add, Edit, Delete, Default Setting


Categories is a feature that helps you to keep track of what kind of event is scheduled in your calendar. Examples are a recital or a lesson. 

There are six categories that are built-in to Duet:
  1. Lesson
  2. Recital
  3. Group Lesson
  4. Event
  5. Availability
  6. Appointment
Categories will show up inside of lesson/event details in your calendar, such as when you are adding a lesson manually:

In this article, we will show you how to add, update, and delete categories. We will also explain how the default category option works.

What You Need

You only need to bring yourself to this party.

Add a New Category

To add a new category, you will need to go into your Calendar settings.
  1. At your main menu, click on Settings.

    This will take you to your Studio settings page.

  2. At the top of the page, click on the Calendar tab.

    This will take you into your Calendar settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Categories section.

  4. In the Category name field, type in the name of your category. In this example, I will add a category titled "Social Events" since I like to throw picnics and beach parties for my students and their families.

  5. Next, you will want to choose the coloring scheme that will show up on your calendar when you choose this category.  Click on the sample to edit the background and text colors.

    This will open up the color pickers. One for the text color and the other for the background color.

  6. Choose your colors.
    Tip: If you are using a dark background color then use a light color for the text. And if you are using a light background color then use a dark color for the text.

  7. When done, click on the OK button to save your color scheme for this category.

    Your color scheme is now saved.

  8. Click on the Add button to create your new category.

    Your new category is now in the Categories list.

    And you can choose it when adding a new event in your calendar.

    And here is how this new category looks in my calendar.

Edit an Existing Category

You can edit the title and coloring scheme of any existing category. 
  1. At your main menu, click on Settings.

    This will take you to your Studio settings page.

  2. At the top of the page, click on the Calendar tab.

    This will take you into your Calendar settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Categories section.

  4. In the Categories list, click on the category you wish to update. In this example, I want to update the Recital category.

  5. To change the title, click in the Update category field and type in your changes. In this example, I am just adding an 's' to the end of the title.

  6. Next, let's change the background color. Click on the sample to open up the color picker.

  7. Change the color.
    Tip: If you are using a dark background color then use a light color for the text. And if you are using a light background color then use a dark color for the text.

    I like the text color being black, so I will leave it as is. I have changed the background color to more of a tan color.

  8. When done, click on the OK button to save your color changes.

  9. Click on the Update button to save all changes.

    The title has gone from Recital to Recitals. And the background color has changed from blue to tan.

Delete an Existing Category

If you no longer wish to have a category, you can delete it. 
You can delete all categories except Lesson.
  1. At your main menu, click on Settings.

    This will take you to your Studio settings page.

  2. At the top of the page, click on the Calendar tab.

    This will take you into your Calendar settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Categories section.

  4. In the Categories list, click on the category you wish to delete. In this example, I am going to delete the Event category.

  5. Off to the right, click on the Delete text.

    A popup will appear asking you to verify that you want to delete this category and what that will do.

  6. Click on the Yes button to delete the category.

    The Event category has been deleted, thus no longer in the Categories list.

Default Category

The default category lets you set which category always shows up as the default. For example, when you go into your calendar to manually create an event you will see that the default category is set to Lesson. Your studio comes with Lessons as the default category.  

If you wish, you can change what the default category is.
  1. At your main menu, click on Settings.

    This will take you to your Studio settings page.

  2. At the top of the page, click on the Calendar tab.

    This will take you into your Calendar settings.

  3. Scroll down to the Categories section.

  4. Off to the right is a drop down box titled "Default Category".

  5. Click in the drop down box to see what your options are.

  6. Click on the category that you want as your default. In this example, I am doing group lessons only this year. So, I am choosing Group Lesson to be my default category.

  7. At the top right corner of the page, click on the Save button.

    Now, when you go to manually create a lesson, the default category is Group Lesson.

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